
人に何かを「おすすめ」するとき シノドス式「英会話上達の極意」02


英会話の上達のためには、文法や語彙、そしてフレーズが、実際にどう使われるのかを学ぶことがとても大切です。英会話をしていると、「おすすめ」を聞かれることがあります。そんなとき、どう答えればいいのでしょうか? 今回の記事では、具体的な場面を設定して、人に何かをすすめるときにどう言えばいいのか、カナダのペクさんに質問しました。この記事を読んで、実践的な英会話上達の極意を学びましょう!

Kaz 今回のテーマは、「人に何かをすすめるとき」。具体的な場面を設定して、ネイティブはどう言うのかを学びます。
The theme this time is “how to recommend something to someone.” We’ll learn how natives express recommendations by going through specific situations. 

For example, if a friend who is coming to Japan asks you for recommendations for places to visit, how would you answer?

Pek ふつうは個人的なおすすめからはじめる。自分が行ったことがあって、本当に楽しかった場所だね。
Usually I start with personal recommendations, like places I’ve been to before and really enjoyed.

For example, I would say:

My favorite place is Kyoto.  You can check out many shrines and temples, and even rent a kimono to walk around in. 

Kaz なるほど。“My favorite place is Kyoto” と言って、おすすめできるんだね。これは応用がきくね。「おすすめの日本料理って何?」と聞かれて、“My favorite Japanese food is Soba(ぼくの好きな日本料理はそばだね)” と答える感じだね。
I see, so you can recommend something by saying “My favorite place is Kyoto”.  This approach can be applied in other situations too.  For example, if someone asks, “What’s your favorite Japanese food?”, you could answer, “My favorite Japanese food is Soba”.

“My favorite place is Kyoto” と言ったあとに、ペクさんはその理由を述べているけど、ここも大事なポイントだね。日本人は理由を言わない傾向があるから、読者のみなさんもこうやって理由もきちんと言うようにしてください。
After saying “My favorite place is Kyoto,” Pek went on to explain the reason behind it, and that’s an important point.  Japanese people tend to skip the reasoning, so I encourage readers to make sure to explain the reasons clearly like this.

What would come next after that?

Pek こんな感じかな。
Something like this.

Dropping by Tokyo is a must.  There are so many cute neighborhoods like Akihabara and Harajuku.  If you are into hot springs, Hakone is not far from Tokyo.  You can also stay a night or two there. 

Kaz “X is a must” という表現は、ぜひ何かをしてほしい、とおすすめするときによく使うね。
The expression “X is a must”  is often used when you really want to recommend something to someone.

Pek そうそう。自分が行ったことがない場所もすすめられるよ。
Right.  You can also recommend places you’ve yet to check out yourself.  

For example:

I heard Kamikouchi is a really cool place.  You can hike around the mountains and even camp there.  My friend recommended it to me and I’ve been thinking about checking it out myself too.

Kaz なるほど、“I heard Kamikouchi is a really cool place” と言うのもありなのか。たしかに日本語でも、おすすめの映画とかレストランとか聞かれて、「Xがいいらしいよ」と言うけど、それと一緒だね。
I see, so saying “I heard Kamikouchi is a really cool place” is also an option. It’s similar to how in Japanese, when asked for a recommendation on a movie or restaurant, we might say “Xがいいらしいよ (I’ve heard X is good),” which works the same way.

ところで、上の例文はあまり親しくない相手にも使えるの? たとえば、取引先の偉い人に対してとか。
By the way, is it okay to use the examples above with someone you’re not very close to, like an important person from a business partner?

Pek これまでのトーンはフレンドリーなので、相手と親しくない場合は、次のように言うといいよ。
Up until now, the tone has been friendly so if you’re not close to the other person, I would phrase it like this instead.

I would definitely recommend checking out Kyoto.  There are many shrines and temples you can visit.  If you’d like, you can also rent a kimono to walk around in.

I would also drop by Tokyo.  There are many nice neighborhoods like Shinjuku and Shibuya.  If you like hot springs, Hakone is not far from Tokyo.  You can stay a night or two there.

I’ve also heard that Kamikouchi is a great place to visit.  There’s mountains where you can hike and camp. A friend recommended it to me and I’ve been thinking of going there as well.

Kaz フレンドリーな言い方と丁寧な言い方を比べると、フレンドリーな方では “cute” や “cool” みたいなカジュアルな会話でよく聞く単語が使われているね。それに対して、丁寧な方では “nice” や “great” といったより無難な単語が使われている。
Comparing the friendly and polite expressions, the friendly one uses words like “cute” and “cool,” which are often heard in informal conversations. On the other hand, the polite one uses safer words like “nice” and “great”.

表現の大きな違いは、“I would definitely recommend” が使われていることと、あと“Dropping by Tokyo is a must.” が、“I would also drop by Tokyo.” となっていることだね。ポイントは “would” だと思うんだけど、これについて少し説明してくれるかな。
The big difference in expression is the use of “I would definitely recommend” and the change from “Dropping by Tokyo is a must.” to “I would also drop by Tokyo.” The key point is “would,” so could you explain that a bit?

Pek “would” は丁寧な会話でよく使うんだ。“would” は仮定をあらわす助動詞なんだけど、たとえば “I would” なら、「もしわたしなら、こうします」とか「これを選ぶでしょう」と言っていることになる。つまり、“I would go to Kyoto” だと、「もしわたしなら、京都に行くことを選びます」という意味になる。
Would is often used in polite speech.  It is a hypothetical modal verb – for example, “I would” expresses, “If it were me, I am willing to do this or I will choose to do this…”.  

In other words, “I would go to Kyoto” means, “If it were me, I would choose to go to Kyoto.”

Kaz “would” を使うと、控え目な提案になるんだね。「もし、わたしがあなたの立場だったら」と、遠回しの提案をしている感じになる。
When you use “would,” it becomes a more modest suggestion.  It’s like making a suggestion indirectly by saying, “If I were in your position…”

Pek そうそう。“would” は相手に共感を示しつつ、押しつけがましくない提案をするための表現なんだ。聞き手は、話し手の選択肢や意見を参考にしながら、自分で決めることができる。このニュアンスがあるから、“would” は丁寧な表現になるんだよ。
Right. The expression “would” expresses the speaker’s empathy for the other person while giving suggestions without being pushy or aggressive.  The listener can still make his or her own decision while considering the options suggested or opinions expressed by the speaker.  This nuance is what makes “would” a polite term to use.  

Kaz それに対して、友だちが相手ならもっと直接的な表現が使えるんだね。
In contrast, if you’re talking to a friend, you can use more direct expressions.

Pek そう。友だち同士なら、“Dropping by Tokyo is a must” みたいに、強い表現を使っても大丈夫。これは、“would” のように、相手の好みを決めつけないようにする表現とは対照的なんだ。
Yes. When you are on friendlier terms, using more assertive statements like “Dropping by Tokyo is a must” is acceptable.  This contrasts with “would” which is more careful about mistakenly assuming what preference the listener may have.  

同じように、“My favorite is…” と自分の好みをはっきり言うのも、ビジネスの場よりは親しい友だちとの方が適しているね。
Similarly, explicitly expressing your own personal preference with “My favorite is…” is appropriate for closer friends than in a business context.  

Kaz なるほど。“should” はどうなの? たとえば、“You should definitely go to Kyoto(京都には絶対に行くべきだよ)” みたいな言い方。これは友だちに使う直接的な表現だと思うけど、何かをすすめるとき、上司や取引先の偉い人には “should” は避けたほうがいいの?
I see, but what about “should”?  For example, saying “You should definitely go to Kyoto.”  I think this is a direct expression you might use with a friend, but when making a recommendation, should “should” be avoided with your boss or important clients?

Pek “should” を使うのは同僚や部下に対しては問題ないけど、上司や目上の人には使わない方がいいね。上司に対して何をすべきか、すべきではないかを言うのはよくないからね。そういう場合は “would” を使った方がいいよ。
Using “should” is okay with peers or subordinates, but not with your boss or superiors.  You should not be telling your boss what he or she should or should not do.  In those cases, stick with “would”. 

Kaz “You should definitely go to Kyoto(京都には絶対に行くべきだよ)” じゃなくて、“I would recommend visiting Kyoto(京都に行くことをおすすめします)” の方が丁寧だということだね。
It’s more polite to say, “I would recommend visiting Kyoto,” rather than “You should definitely go to Kyoto.”

Let’s create another example in a different situation.  If a friend asks, “Do you know any good movies to watch this weekend?”, how would you recommend a movie?

Pek この前、妹が家族と『デッドプール&ウルヴァリン』を観に行ったんだけど、気に入ったみたいだよ。もう観た?
My sister and her family went to see “Deadpool & Wolverine” the other day.  They liked it.  Have you seen it?

Kaz なるほど、そうやっておすすめすることもできるのか。たとえば、おすすめのレストランを聞かれて、「このあいだ友だちが恵比寿のイタリアンに行って、すごく美味しかったって言ってたよ(The other day, a friend went to an Italian restaurant in Ebisu and said the food was really good)」みたいな感じだね。
I see, so that’s another way to recommend something.  For example, if someone asks for a restaurant recommendation, you could say something like, “The other day, a friend went to an Italian restaurant in Ebisu and said the food was really good”.

Pek そうそう。それと、わたしはどちらかというと、映画館よりNetflixで観ることが多いんだ。
Right. Besides that, I am more of a Netflix person, than someone who sees movies at the cinema.

I could recommend Netflix shows like this:

『ワンピース』とか『アバター: 伝説の少年アン』なんてどう? 実写版が結構いい感じだよ。
How about “One Piece” or “Avatar: The Last Airbender”?  The live actions are quite good.

Kaz 人に何かをすすめるとき、“How about ~?(~はどうですか?)” もよく使われるね。これってどんなニュアンスなの?
When recommending something to someone, “How about ~?” is also often used.  What kind of nuance does this have?

Pek “How about” はニュートラルな表現だよ。提案しつつ、相手の意見を求めている感じだね。
“How about” is neutral.  You are suggesting and asking them for their thoughts.

Kaz カジュアルに話すべきか、それとも丁寧に話すべきか、深く考えることなく、どんな場面でも使える便利な表現だね。
It’s a convenient expression that you can use in any situation without having to think too carefully about whether you should speak casually or politely.

When you pick up an English phrase book, you’ll find a lot of expressions for recommending something to someone. But just memorizing various phrases blindly can be confusing, and you won’t be able to use them effectively. 

Instead, it’s better to start by imitating the examples Pek shared with us, creating your own sentences, and practicing until you can use them naturally. That’s the shortcut to success!






