友だちにアドバイスするとき シノドス式「英会話上達の極意」03
Kaz 今回のテーマは「友だちにアドバイスするとき」です。今回も具体的なシチュエーションを設定して学んでいきましょう。
This time, we’re focusing on “Giving Advice to Friends.” Like always, we’ll learn by setting up specific situations.
Justin, imagine your friend recently got dumped by his girlfriend and is finding it hard to fill his time on weekends. He’s asked you if you have any suggestions for ways to pass the time. What would you tell him in that situation?
Justin そうだね、友だちに言うなら、「そっか。元カノとのこと、大変だったね。週末、暇してるなら、外に出て気分転換するとか、新しい趣味を始めてみるのもいいかもね。ハイキングとか、ちょっとしたことでもリフレッシュできると思うよ。あとは、本を読んだりするのもいいんじゃないかな」って感じかな。
I would say “Hey buddy, I’m sorry to hear about you and your ex-girlfriend. If you have too much free time on the weekend, you should go out and get some fresh air, or start a new hobby. I think something simple like hiking could be a good way to get out and refresh your mind. Reading a book at the library can also be a good way to pass time, I think.”
友だちにアドバイスするときのポイントは、“you should” や “I think” を使うことだね。ただ “新しい趣味を試してみて” とか “ちょっとしたことをやってみなよ” って言うと、少し命令っぽく聞こえちゃうかもしれないから、“I think” や “you should” を使うことで、口調が和らぐし、フレンドリーな感じのアドバイスになるよ。
A key point when giving advice to a friend is to use “you should” and “I think”. Just saying “try a new hobby” or “do something simple” can come off a bit authoritative and cold. Saying “I think” and “you should” softens your speaking and makes it seem more like friendly advice.
Kaz なるほど。あと、“X can be a good idea” と “X could be a good idea” という表現も使ってるけど、これも友だちにアドバイスをするときによく使うの?
I see. Also, you used expressions like “X can be a good idea” and “X could be a good idea.” Are these commonly used when giving advice to friends?
Justin さすがだね! これらの表現は、アドバイスをさらに「ソフトに」するために使われているんだよ。友だちは最近振られたばかりだから、できるだけ優しくしようとしてるんだ。“X can be a good idea” や “X could be a good idea” と言うことで、アドバイスっぽく聞こえすぎないようにして、「押しつけがましさ」を感じさせないようにしているんだ。
Well spotted! These phrases are actually used to “soften” the advice even more. Since my friend had been recently broken up with, I am trying to be as kind as possible. By saying “X can be a good idea” or “X could be a good idea”, it is distancing myself even further from the advice, making it seem less “pushy”.
Kaz なるほど。これは押しつけがましくなくアドバイスしたいときの、マストな表現だね。
I see! This is a go-to expression when you want to give advice without sounding pushy.
じゃあ次は、友だちが「最近、疲れやすくて」と言ってきて、ジャスティンさんは「酒の飲みすぎだよ」と思ってる場合、でもストレートに「お前、酒飲みすぎなんだよ。酒やめろよ!」とは言えないよね? こういう場合は、酒を控えるように、どうアドバイスするの?
Next, if a friend says, “I’ve been feeling really tired lately,” and you think it’s because they’re drinking too much. But you can’t just straight up say, “You’re drinking too much. Stop drinking!” right? How would you advise them to cut back on drinking in this case?
Justin この場合も、「やんわり」伝えたほうがいいから、「お酒は睡眠に影響するって聞いたことがあるから、ちょっと控えてみたらどうかな?」って感じで言うかな。
Keeping with the theme of “softening” advice, I would say “I’ve heard drinking can affect sleeping habits, maybe you should try cutting back a little on how much you’ve been drinking.”
この文章はやんわりアドバイスするのにぴったりだね。“I’ve heard X” という表現は、あんまりアドバイスっぽく聞こえないし、“Maybe you should try…” もただの提案だから、より柔らかく感じるんだ。“cutting back(控える)” という言葉の選び方も “stopping(やめる)” と違って穏やかだし。
This sentence has it all. “I’ve heard X” once again distances yourself from the advice. “Maybe you should try…” is merely giving a suggestion, so it feels more gentle. Even the word choice of “cutting back” instead of “stopping” is gentle.
Overall, the nuance of this sentence is less “Hey you! Stop that!” and more “I know you are having a hard time, so here is a potential solution”.
Kaz “I’ve heard X” という表現を使ったり、“You should try” に “Maybe” を足すことで、相手を慮って優しくアドバイスしているニュアンスがでるんだね。
Using phrases like “I’ve heard X” or adding “Maybe” to “You should try” gives your advice a gentle and considerate tone. It shows you’re being mindful of the other person’s feelings while offering your suggestions.
Lastly, you’re going to be a teacher for Japanese students learning English in the future. So, if one of your students comes to you and says, “I’m trying really hard to study English, but I still can’t speak it well,” how would you advise them?
Justin いい質問だね。ぼくなら次のように言う。
That is a great question. I would say something like this.
In my experience, studying hard is great for vocabulary and grammar, but to truly speak a language you have to enjoy it. If you watch a movie, watch it in English with English subtitles, if you play a game, change the game’s language to English, if you listen to music, listen to it in English. By using the language, instead of just studying, your brain will be able to adapt to the language faster. When you feel more comfortable with the language, try “shadowing” practice, where you mimic a speaker at the same time you are listening to them. It may feel a little awkward at first, but with time it can help match the rhythm and cadence of a natural speaker.
Kaz このシチュエーションでは、ストレートな表現でアドバイスできるんだね。“you have to enjoy it” とか “watch it in English with English subtitles”、それから “try “shadowing” practice” みたいに。これまでのシチュエーションと違って、相手の気持ちを慮る必要のないときは、“have to” や命令形などを使って、強い感じで言ってもいいということだね。
In this situation, you can give advice more directly, like saying “you have to enjoy it,” “watch it in English with English subtitles,” or “try shadowing practice.” Unlike the previous scenarios where you needed to be mindful of the other person’s feelings, here, using phrases like “have to” or commands can be stronger and that’s totally fine.
Everyone, think of specific situations and try building conversations using the expressions we’ve covered here. Then, practice speaking them out loud multiple times. This will help you get better at giving advice to your friends!