相手の意見に「反論する」とき シノドス式「英会話上達の極意」04
Kaz 今回は「相手の意見に反論する」がテーマです。いくつかの場面を設定して、Julieさんに反論の仕方を教えてもらいます。
In this article, we’re focusing on how to disagree with someone’s opinion. I’ll be setting up some scenarios and asking Julie how she would respond when she disagrees with someone.
Let’s start with a casual situation. For example, imagine a friend or a close colleague says, “I watched ‘The Blacklist’ the other day, and it was so boring.” If you have a different opinion, Julie, how would you respond to that?
Julie 友人や親しい同僚に反対の意見を言うときは、わたしならこんなふうに答えるかな。「え、本当に? 気を悪くしないでね、でもわたしも『ブラックリスト』観たけど、すごくよかったよ! どこが気に入らなかったの?」
If I was responding to a friend or close colleague with a differing opinion, I’d probably say “Really? No offense, but I watched ‘The Blacklist’ and I loved it! What didn’t you like about it?”
この場合、相手とは親しい関係だから、ちょっと驚きながら自分の意見を強めに伝えて、相手がそのドラマをなぜ好きじゃなかったのか聞いてみる感じかな。“気を悪くしないでね(No offence)” は、友人など親しい人に対立する意見を率直に伝えたいときに、よく使うカジュアルな言い回しだよ。
Since this conversation is with someone I’m already close with, I’m emphasizing my opinion with some surprise, while also inviting them to share why they didn’t like the show. “No offense” is conversational slang that I do find myself using liberally, when trying to be brutally honest with friends.
Kaz このやり方は、映画やドラマ以外にも、他の好みに関することにも使えそうだね。たとえば、レストラン。自分が気に入っているレストランを酷評されたとき、「え、本当? 気を悪くしないでほしいんだけど、そのレストランに行ったことがあるけど、わたしはすごくよかったよ! どこが気に入らなかったの?」みたいな感じで反論できるね。
You can easily adapt this format to other preferences, not just movies or TV shows. For example, when someone criticizes a restaurant you like, you could respond with something like, “Really? No offense, but I’ve been to that restaurant, and I really enjoyed it! What didn’t you like about it?”
Let’s think of another casual scenario. Imagine you and a friend are deciding where to go for summer vacation, and your friend suggests going to the beach. But you prefer going to the mountains. How would you express your own opinion while disagreeing with your friend’s suggestion?
Julie そういう場合は、まずは友人の意見に同意してみる。最初の例では、反対意見をはっきり示したけど、今回はいったん同意してから、もっと魅力的な代案を出す。
Another approach I might take is to start by agreeing with them first, whilst in the first example I started out by clearly making my disagreement clear. After I agree, I would add on alternative options that make my opinion or choice more attractive.
たとえば、「海はいいアイデアだね! 泳ぎたいって思ってたんだ。でも、山に行くのはどうかな? 日中は湖で泳げるし、夜は涼しいと思うよ。あと、海より人も少ないかもしれないし」みたいな感じ。
For example, I might say, “I love that idea, since I really want to go swimming. But have you considered going up the mountains? We could still go to a lake to swim during the day, but it would be cooler at night. Not to mention there would probably be a lot fewer people around.”
Giving specific alternatives can make the discussion more productive, lowering the chance that my friend might get offended. For example, using some East Coast examples, “Instead of going to Atlantic City, how about we go to the Poconos Mountains?”
Kaz これは相手の提案に反対するときに使えるやり方だね。まず「いいアイディアだね!」と受け入れておいて、そのあと魅力的な代案を出して、考えを変えさせるというアプローチ。
This is a great format to use when you want to oppose someone’s suggestion. First, you start by saying something like, “’That’s a great idea!” to accept their suggestion, and then you follow up with a more appealing alternative to try and sway their thinking.
たとえば、食事に行く場所を決めているときに、相手がイタリアンを提案してきたけどあまり食べたくない。そこで、「いいね! 久しくイタリアンを食べてないよ。」といったん受け入れて、そのあとに、「でも、このあいだ新しくオープンした和食はどうかな? 評判がいいみたいだし、ちょうど割引券をもってるんだよ」と、より魅力的な提案をしてみる。
For example, when deciding where to eat, if the other person suggests Italian but you’re not really in the mood for it, you could say, “Sounds good! I haven’t had Italian in a while.” Then, you could offer a more attractive suggestion, like, “But how about the new Japanese place that just opened? I’ve heard great things about it, and I actually have a discount coupon.”
Julie そうだね。このアプローチは、相手に敬意をもちながらも、意見の違いを表明するよい方法だね。まず相手の意見を認めてから、異なる視点を提示することで、会話が建設的になるんだ。
Exactly. This approach is a good way to disagree while keeping things respectful. Acknowledging the other person’s point first and then offering a different perspective helps keep the conversation constructive.
Kaz 次は、友だちや同僚とちょっとまじめな議論をしている場面を想定してみよう。相手が、「地球温暖化なんて大した問題じゃないよ。メディアが騒ぎすぎなんだよ」と言ったとする。それに対して、ジュリーさんが、そんなことはない、真剣に考えなくちゃいけない問題なんだよと反論したい場合、どうやって言う?
Next, let’s imagine a scenario where you’re having a somewhat serious discussion with a friend or colleague. Suppose the other person says, “Global warming isn’t a big deal. The media is just blowing it out of proportion.” How would you respond if you want to disagree and say that it’s actually a serious issue that we need to take seriously?
Julie シリアスな話題では、少し気を遣った方がいいかもしれないね。たとえば、地球温暖化の話をするときは、こんなふうに言うといいんじゃないかな。「言いたいことはわかるよ。メディアが大げさに報道することもあるし、それで何かを押しつけようとしているように感じるのもわかるよ。でも、それは置いておいて、地球温暖化の考え自体はしっかりした科学的な研究にもとづいているし、海面上昇みたいな実際の証拠もあるよね。」
For more serious topics, you might need a slightly more cautious approach. For example, if you’re talking about global warming, you could say something like, “I totally get where you’re coming from—the media can overhype things sometimes, and I see how that might make it seem like they’re pushing an agenda. But putting that aside, the idea of global warming is backed by solid scientific research. There’s also real-world evidence, like rising sea levels.”
This way, you validate their point but also gently steer the conversation towards facts rather than just emotions.
Kaz 感情的になりがちな議論の場合、まずは共感、というのが大事だよね。いきなりエビデンスを示して、相手の意見を否定しちゃうと、相手はかたくなになるだけだし。“I totally get where you’re coming from(そう思うのもわかるけど)” という表現は、そうした共感を示すのにぴったりだね。
When discussions might get emotional, showing empathy first is really important, right? Jumping straight into evidence and immediately dismissing the other person’s opinion can just make them more defensive. That’s why phrases like “I totally get where you’re coming from” are perfect for showing that empathy.
Julie そうだね。一度相手が否定されたと感じてかたくなになると、会話を建設的で心地よい方向に持っていくのは難しいからね。
Exactly. Once someone feels dismissed and gets defensive, it’s hard to keep the conversation constructive.
Kaz 最後に、ビジネスの場面も見てみよう。たとえば、会社の会議で同僚が新しい企画のアイデアを出したんだけど、なんかいまいちだなと思ったとき、ジュリーさんならどう反論する?
Let’s also consider a business scenario. For example, if a colleague presents a new project idea during a company meeting, but you think it’s not quite right, how would you express your disagreement?
Julie ビジネスの場面でも同じことが言えるよ。自分のアイデアをちゃんと説明する前に、同僚や上司に否定されると、やる気を失ってしまうよね。だから、反対意見を言う前に、まずは同僚の努力を認めて、前向きで協力的な雰囲気を保つようにする。はっきりと反対するのではなくて、全体的なアプローチには賛同する。“That won’t work(それはうまくいかない)”みたいな全否定するような言い方は避けたほうがいいよ。
It’s the same in business. Nothing is more discouraging than when a coworker or superior shuts down your idea before you’ve had the chance to properly defend it. Before expressing disagreement, I would make sure to acknowledge my colleague’s efforts to keep the atmosphere positive and collaborative. Instead of outright disagreeing, I might agree with their broader approach, avoiding statements like, “That won’t work.”
Instead, I’d say something like, “I appreciate the creativity of your idea, but I do have concerns about the budgetary feasibility. Do you have any alternatives, or perhaps we could brainstorm with the team to explore possible modifications?” I would then highlight specific points I disagree with while offering alternative ideas if possible.
Kaz 相手の意見に反対するときは、相手の機嫌を損ねないよう気を配らなくちゃいけないよね。ぜひ、今回Julieさんに教わった例を参考に、具体的なシチュエーションを想像しながら、会話を組み立ててみてください!
When you’re disagreeing with someone, it’s important to be careful not to upset them. Use the examples Julie shared today, and try building your conversations around specific situations!