

塩原良和 社会学

国際 #グローバル化#先住民族政策#ハワード#収入管理制度#労働党#北部準州緊急対応#NTER


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Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership (CYIPL), 2007, From Hand Out to Hand Up: Cape York Welfare Reform Project Designing Recommendations.

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Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), 2012, Closing the Gap Prime Minister’s Report 2012.

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Dodson, Patrick, 2007, “Whatever Happened to Reconciliation?” Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson (eds.) Coercive Reconciliation: Stabilise, Normalise, Exit Aboriginal Australia. North Carlton: Arena Publishing Association, 21-29.

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Maddison, Sarah, 2009, Black Politics: Inside the Complexity of Aborginal Political Culture. Crows Nest NSW: Allen and Unwin.

Northern Territory Emergency Response Task Force (NTERTF), 2008, Northern Territory Emergency Response Task Force Final Report to Government.

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Pearson, Noel, 2003, Our Right to Take Responsibility. Melbourne: Institute of Public Administration Australia

Sanders, William, 2010, “Ideology, Evidence and Competing Principles in Australian Indigenous Affairs: From Brough to Rudd via Pearson and the NTER,” Australian Journal of Social Issues 45 (3): 307-331.

Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, The Senate (SCLCA), 2007, Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Payment Reform) Bill 2007 and Four Related Bills Concerning the Northern Territory National Emergency Response. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.

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塩原良和,2013a,「エスニック・マイノリティ向け社会政策における時間/場所の管理――オーストラリア先住民族政策の展開を事例に」『法学研究』86(7): 125-164.

―――, 2013b,「先住民族の自己決定とグローバリズム――オーストラリアからの示唆」上村英明・木村真希子・塩原良和編著/市民外交センター監修『市民の外交――先住民族と歩んだ30年』法政大学出版局,189-201.




サムネイル「Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park」fa.b




